How to Replace the Speed Sensor on Your Electric Bike: A Step-by-Step Guide

How to Replace the Speed Sensor on Your Electric Bike: A Step-by-Step Guide

If your electric bike’s speed isn’t showing correctly, the speed sensor might need to be replaced. Luckily, it’s a simple fix you can do yourself with the right tools and a little patience. Here's a quick guide to help you replace it.

Tools You’ll Need

Before you get started, make sure you have the following tools and materials handy:

  • Hex key
  • Multi-tool
  • Crank removal tool
  • A new speed sensor

Safety Precautions

  • Disconnect the electric bike’s power to avoid any accidents during the process.

1. Removing the Crank

  • Step 1: Use the appropriate tool to loosen and remove the bolt securing the crank.
  • Step 2: Attach the crank removal tool to the crank. Turn the tool clockwise using a hex key until the crank loosens, and then remove it.

2. Removing the Old Speed Sensor

  • Step 3: Locate the old speed sensor near the crank. It’s usually connected to the controller with a cable.
  • Step 4: Carefully disconnect the sensor from the controller. Avoid pulling on the cable to prevent damage.
  • Step 5: Remove the old speed sensor from its position.

3. Installing the New Speed Sensor

  • Step 6: Place the new speed sensor in the same location as the old one.
  • Step 7: Reconnect the sensor’s cable to the controller, making sure the connection is secure.
  • Step 8: Check that the new sensor is properly aligned and won’t rub against the crank or other parts.

4. Reinstalling the Crank 

  • Step 9: Reinstall the crank onto the bike, making sure it’s positioned correctly.
  • Step 10: Use the multi-tool to securely tighten the bolt that holds the crank in place.

5. Testing the Speed Sensor

  • Step 11: Reconnect the bike’s power and turn it on.
  • Step 12: Test the sensor by lifting the rear wheel off the ground and manually rotating the pedals. Check to see if the speed reading is accurate.

6. Troubleshooting

If the speed sensor doesn’t work correctly:

  • Check the cable connection to ensure it’s tight.
  • Try recalibrating the sensor.

Wrapping It Up

And that’s it! By following these simple steps, you can replace your electric bike’s speed sensor and get back to enjoying smooth rides with accurate speed readings.If you are unsure or have issues, please feel free to contact kingbull for further assistance.